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Pan Cristal

The new Pan de Cristal stands out due to its distinctive appearance, its honeycombed, spongy crumb and its delicate flavour, which brings out the natural taste of many foods. It is created using active sourdough and selected flours, following a process involving double fermentation, and baking in a stone-soled oven, which provides an extremely moist dough and a thin, crispy crust. What's more, it's Clean Label!


Bread that cannot be absent from any catering business’ culinary range, regarding appetizers and starters, and in bakeries and pastry shops for daily sales. It is the perfect basis for breakfasts and aperitifs, to accompany Iberian cured meats, cheeses, foie gras and delicatessen delights. It is excellent with a few drops of extra virgin olive oil, tomato and Maldon salt.

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New Pizza de Trufa y champiñón

The new Pizza de trufa y champiñón extends the range of slabs which are ideal for cutting and serving in the desired portion size. The filling features Portobello mushrooms, caramelised onions and the unmistakable truffle sauce, which will delight the palates of those who love Italian flavours.

It is made with active sourdough, following a process inspired by artisan methods, with long proving times and pre-baking in a stone oven. That way we get a crust that is crispy on the outside and very spongy on the inside.

Perfect for consumers looking for portioned pizzas without sacrificing Italian flavour. In addition, they can be heated at the time of sale to serve as freshly baked.

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Nuevas Empanadillas XXL

Two new XXL varieties join the family of traditional Empanadillas. They are made with a soft, crispy dough scalded in oil, which envelop a tasty, generous filling:

The Empanadilla XXL de pisto features a classic filling based on cooked vegetables (tomato, onion, aubergine, courgette and pepper) and boiled egg.

The Empanadilla XXL de atún is one of the most popular varieties with consumers, thanks to its tasty filling of cooked vegetables (tomato, onion, aubergine, courgette and pepper), tuna and boiled egg.

They are easy and quick to prepare because they do not need prior defrosting, going straight from the freezer to the oven.

They are perfect for eating at any time of the day, whether hot or cold, to eat in or to take away. We recommend displaying the Empanadillas on trays or in wicker or wooden baskets, which provide the product with warmth and a natural touch, in addition to that home-made feel, with the filling indicated on a small sign.

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New Croissant Frankfurt

The new Croissant Frankfurt is created using a soft, flaky dough wrapped around a real Frankfurter sausage and melted cheese. For added convenience, it comes finished with egg wash and topped with grated Emmental cheese, which melts during baking to create a delicious, crunchy layer that is a pleasure from the first bite. A mouth-watering contrast of textures and flavours that will delight your customers.

It is perfect for sale in traditional bakeries and hot points at any time, to eat in or to take away, accompanied by a soft drink. We recommend baking off the Croissants in the middle of the day; that freshly baked smell will attract customers and boost impulse sales.

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Especial San Valentín

Este San Valentín conquistarás a tus clientes con los productos de Berlys más románticos y deliciosos, ideales para regalar y endulzar a esa persona tan especial. Además, este año presentamos dos irresistibles novedades: 

La nueva Tarta Corazón de Yogur y Frambuesas, elaborada sobre una fina base de bizcocho con cacao, rellena de yogur y frambuesas, decorada con bolitas de chocolate y una chocolatina que contiene mucho amor. Se sirve en una caja de diseño exclusivo para llevar y personalizar. 

Y la nueva Bolita Nata Te Quiero. Un delicioso bizcocho de mantequilla, relleno de nata 100% y decorado con topping de cacao blanco y bolitas de azúcar color rubí. También coronado con una chocolatina muy especial para este día tan indicado. 

Estas dos novedades se unen a productos que también contienen mucho amor, como la Tarta Corazón Sacher, elaborada con un delicioso bizcocho de cacao relleno de una fina capa de confitura extra de frambuesa, y cubierta de chocolate. Y las Pastas Corazón Sablée Bombón de mantequilla, también con forma de corazón, cubiertas de un baño bombón y decoradas con un corazón de chocolate blanco.

  • Tarta Corazón Yogur y Frambuesa NUEVA

  • Bolita Nata Te Quiero NUEVA

  • Tarta Corazón Sacher

  • Pastas Corazón Sablée Bombón

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Tras la exitosa acogida del Pan Rustique, presentamos dos nuevos formatos que amplían la familia del pan rústico de consumo diario con masa madre.

La gama de Panes Rustique de estilo rústico son ideales para el consumo diario de toda la familia. Te sorprenderán por su corteza fina y crujiente, por su miga muy esponjosafácil de comer, y por su sabor y aroma a pan de siempre. Contienen masa madre activa y harinas especialmente seleccionadas y están elaborados respetando los tiempos de reposo necesarios para conservar su aroma, sabor y frescura durante más tiempo.

El nuevo pan Rustique Plus de 400 g es perfecto para toda la familia. Es muy versátil y se puede consumir a cualquier hora del día: en comidas, cenas, para elaborar bocadillos, pinchos y tostadas.

El nuevo Bocadillo Rustique de 175 g, por su formato medio, es ideal para los negocios de hostelería y restauración y para aquellos consumidores que buscan formatos más pequeños para su consumo diario. 


¡Haz ya tu pedido! Para más información consulta con tu agente comercial. 

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Es el pan perfecto para elaborar hamburguesas de estilo premium. Está elaborado con mantequilla procedente de nata pasteurizada, que le aporta un toque de sabor ligeramente dulce. Su miga es suave, esponjosa y alveolada, y su corteza es fina y ligera, muy agradable al paladar, con la textura característica del pan “brioche”. Además, combina con todo tipo de ingredientes y soporta muy bien la estructura de la hamburguesa.

Y todo ello con la ventaja de ser un producto Ylisto, con sólo descongelar ya está listo para servir. Y con un golpe de calor, queda como recién hechoEs perfecta no sólo para preparar hamburguesas en establecimientos modernos y hamburgueserías que buscan diferenciarse, sino también para ofrecer como tostadas en el desayuno y en las meriendas, con rellenos dulces o salados.

Por otro lado, se recomienda la venta en bolsa en los negocios tradicionales, para preparar pequeños bocadillos calientes y para los recreos y meriendas de los más pequeños de la casa.


Amplía tu gama de panes para hamburguesas con las deliciosas variedades de Berlys:

  • Hamburguesa Rústica
  • Hamburguesa Maíz 8,4%
  • Hamburguesa cereales
  • Hamburguesa Baviera

¡Haz ya tu pedido! Para más información consulta con tu agente comercial. 


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Presentamos un nuevo Croissant de 78 gramos elaborado con mantequilla* y relleno de crema pastelera de alta calidad. Un placer para todos los sentidos gracias a sus finas capas de masa hojaldrada que se deshacen en la boca, al estilo de la bollería francesa, y a su exquisito e irresistible sabor. Perfecto para los amantes de la crema pastelera.


Se sirve ya decorado con baño de huevo y topping de maíz triturado, que además de aportarle un aspecto atractivo y diferente, consigue un sorprendente contraste de texturas, crujiente y suave a la vez.


Es ideal para panaderías tradicionales y restauración gourmet, para ofrecer en desayunos y meriendas. 

Al ser un producto de impulso, se recomienda exponer los Croissants a la vista del cliente, cubiertos con una cúpula o dentro de una vitrina para mejorar su conservación. Se recomienda colocar un cartelito indicando su relleno de crema pastelera y la mantequilla en masa, para llamar la atención de tus clientes.

Puedes aumentar su frecuencia de venta acompañándolo con bebidas como café, té o batidos, para llevar o tomar en el establecimiento.

*21% de mantequilla. Porcentaje sobre el total de la masa.

**19% de crema pastelera. Porcentaje sobre el total de producto.


¡Haz ya tu pedido! Para más información consulta con tu agente comercial. 

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El nuevo Croissant de cacao blanco de 85 gramos hará las delicias tanto del público joven como del adulto. Está elaborado con margarina* y lleva una deliciosa barrita de cacao blanco** en su interior. Para tu conveniencia, se sirve ya fermentado, decorado con baño de huevo y topping de azúcar, que durante el horneado se cristaliza y crea una fina capa con una textura única e irresistible en boca.

Este croissant es perfecto para servir en desayunos y meriendas, en especial para el público joven y amantes del chocolate blanco. En establecimientos con servicio de mesa, sírvelos acompañados de una bebida caliente, de fruta, zumos variados, etc. Ideales también para su venta para llevar, en bolsas o cajitas de cartón.

*17% de cacao blanco. Porcentaje sobre el total de producto.

*23% de margarina. Porcentaje sobre el total de producto.

¡Haz ya tu pedido! Para más información consulta con tu agente comercial 

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La nueva Base de Hojaldre de 900 gramos te sorprenderá por su gran versatilidad y su irresistible textura con multitud de finas capas, suaves y crujientes. Está elaborada con margarina, que facilita un desarrollo más regular de la pieza durante el horneado.  


Es ideal para todas tus elaboraciones, tanto dulces como saladas, en diferentes formatos y tamaños. Desde una clásica empanada rellena de atún hasta tartas dulces de frutas y milhojas. Y todo ello con la ventaja de ser un producto de alta calidad, muy competitivo y rentable. Por ello, está pensada para establecimientos que elaboran sus propias creaciones, obradores que buscan productos versátiles y rentables, hoteles y catering.


¡Haz ya tu pedido! Para más información ideas y recetas, consulta con tu agente comercial. 


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Nuevo Pan Rustique, el pan rústico que contiene masa madre para todos los días

El nuevo Pan Rustique es una nueva variedad de pan de estilo rústico pensada para el consumo diario gracias a su corteza fina y crujiente, a su miga muy esponjosa fácil de comer y a su aroma y sabor a pan de siempre.


Contiene masa madre activa, harinas especialmente seleccionadas y se elabora respetando los tiempos de reposo más adecuados para conservar su aroma, sabor y frescura durante más tiempo. Además, su sabor es algo más neutro que los panes elaborados con masa madre. Cualidades que hacen que sea la pieza perfecta para toda la familia, para los que buscan panes de calidad fáciles de comer y para los que aprecian el sabor a pan, pan. 

El Pan Rustique es ideal para su venta en establecimientos tradicionales, panaderías especializadas y establecimientos que quieren diferenciarse.

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Nuevos Pecaditos de mantequilla surtidos

Cuatro nuevas variedades de Mini Croissants de 34 gramos que serán todo un reclamo en tiendas y cafeterías. Los nuevos Pecaditos son tiernos y súper jugosos, porque están elaborados con mantequilla (17%), bañados en jarabe dulce y decorados con diferentes coberturas.


Con la ventaja de ser Ylisto: no necesitas horno porque se sirven ya terminados y con sólo descongelar están listos para su venta. Ideales para negocios que disponen de poco tiempo y para consumidores que buscan pequeños bocados dulces combinando varios sabores en el mismo momento de consumo. ¡Caerán en la tentación!

Se recomienda exponer los Pecaditos ordenados en filas por sabores sobre una bandeja de horno cubierta con papel de parafina. Y si quieres llamar más la atención de tus clientes, coloca los Pecaditos uno encima de otro haciendo un montoncito de cada sabor en forma de pirámide. Puedes utilizar cúpulas o peanas para jugar con diferentes alturas.

Los Pecaditos son ideales para su venta en cajas surtidas y en packs para llevar. En cafeterías y hoteles, sirve varias unidades de diferentes sabores, acompañados de café o infusiones.
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Nuevo Muffin de Bombón y Caramelo

La gama de los deliciosos Muffins Körfest se amplía con una irresistible variedad de bombón y caramelo, que además es apta para veganos.


El nuevo Muffin Bombón y Caramelo se elabora con una masa al cacao ligeramente humedecida, relleno de crema de caramelo y decorado con granillo de almendra tostada. Tierno, dulce y esponjoso, hará las delicias de los amantes del chocolate. Además, para tu conveniencia, no necesita horno ni manipulado. Sólo descongelar y ¡listo para su venta!

Es perfecto para establecimientos tradicionales y modernos, para hoteles y cafeterías gourmet. Al ser un producto de impulso, se recomienda exponer a la vista de tus clientes dentro de una cúpula o vitrina para una mejor conservación. También puedes aumentar su frecuencia de compra si lo sirves acompañado de bebidas frías o calientes para llevar o tomar en el establecimiento.

Completa tu gama de Muffins Körfest: 

  • Queso y Arándanos
  • Triple Bombón
  • Carrot Cake
  • Bombón y crema
  • Toffee y manzana
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New Diamante Xpress Breads, save time and resources

Following the success of the 55-gram Diamante breads, we are introducing three new highly versatile formats, leading to savings on both your electricity bill and in preparation time.


The Barra, the Bocadillo and the Medio Bocadillo Diamante Xpress come 90% baked and just need a blast of heat for that freshly-baked effect. Their soft crust is perfect for everyone; their mild flavour and spongy crumb go well with all kinds of foods, making them very easy to eat. In addition, they are Clean Label; created without artificial preservatives or additives.


The Barra Diamante is the most versatile 275 grams on the market; for slicing, for sandwiches and pinchos or for daily menu bread baskets. Just defrost and with 5 to 7 minutes in the oven they are ready.


The 150-gram Bocadillo Diamante is ideal for preparing sandwiches on the spot. Just defrost and with 4 to 6 minutes in the oven they are ready. Its half-stick format also makes it perfect for people living alone.


The 100-gram Medio Bocadillo Diamante is the perfect format for breakfasts and snacks; to cut and toast, to make sandwiches and pinchos, for the daily menu, etc. Ready from the oven in just 3 to 5 minutes.

For added convenience, you have 3 handling options to suit your needs:

  • Defrost and in the oven
  • Frozen and in the oven, with just 2 more minutes’ baking that stated on the fact sheet
  • No-bake option; defrost and toast on a grill or salamander 

Up to 15 varieties make up the Xpress Range:

  • 55-gram Diamante bread, created using special ingredients: Diamante, Diamante 100% Integral, Diamante Cereales y Diamante Maíz.
  • Bread for creating hamburgers: Rústico, Cereales and Baviera.
  • Special medium-format bread: Media Gallega and Payesita Cereales.
  • White bread: Baguetina, Bollo and Panecillo.
  • Gran Vitrium, Bocadillo Vitrium and Cuadrado Vitrium.

Take full advantage of the Xpress Bakery, a great ally in better stock control, saving time and resources while providing top-quality products with a delicious flavour.

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New Campesina Plus Semillas

Campesinas are one of the most popular varieties with consumers, thanks to their Mediterranean bread flavour and aroma and their attractive rustic format. It is made using selected flours and respecting the times necessary in order to obtain two breads that are a complete sales success: the Campesina and the Campesina Plus.


We now present the new Campesina Plus Semillas, following the same production process and incorporating toasted sesame seeds and brown linseed into the dough, which give it that special flavour as well as providing additional health benefits.


The new Campesina Plus Semillas maintains the same characteristic rustic format, with pronounced tips and a new, attractive shape to the bloom, which will make your customers come back again and again. It is perfect for establishments that want to differentiate themselves by offering quality breads and unique flavours.


This new variety is available through Berlys' usual sales channels: CRC, sales representative, via the website or the app.

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New Empanadillas: Vegan and Ham & Cheese

Two new flavours join the family of Berlys traditional Empanadillas, created using a delicious dough scalded in oil and sealed in a traditional way. They are easy and quick to handle because they do not need prior defrosting; they go straight from the freezer to the oven.


The Empanadilla Vegana de proteína vegetal is the most innovative variety, designed for consumers who are looking for vegan products, which are becoming more and more popular every day, but do not want to sacrifice flavour. Its vegetable protein and vegetable-based filling provides an irresistible taste that will appeal to customers of all kinds: soya protein, extra virgin olive oil, onion, red pepper, green pepper, courgette and a touch of black pepper.


The Empanadilla de Jamón y Queso contains a classic combination: smooth cream cheese with diced cooked ham, which will delight young and old alike.

They are perfect for bakeries and hotspots, for fast food, seasonal businesses and, in the case of the Vegan Empanadilla, for establishments working in line with this food trend.

The new Empanadillas are available through Berlys' usual sales channels: CRC, sales representative, via the website or the app.

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New thin oval Ham & Cheese and Carbonara Pizzas

The new oval-shaped pizzas feature a very thin base that brings out the flavour of the ingredients. It also gives a hand-crafted look that no one will be able to resist.


The dough is made using selected flours and active sourdough, which is rolled to make it as thin as possible, before being shaped by hand. The ingredients featured in these two pizza varieties are then added: “ham and cheese” and “Carbonara”. Two exquisite flavours that will transport you to the heart of Italy.


The Pizza de Jamón York y Queso contains 13% active sourdough, while the Pizza Carbonara contains 11,5%


They are ideal for catering and restaurant businesses providing set menus and à la carte service for consumers looking for quality pizzas with a thin base and classic flavours.


The new Pizzas are available through Berlys' usual sales channels: CRC, sales representative, via the website or the app.

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New butter Croissant with chocolate chips

The new 70 gram Butter Croissant with Chocolate Chips is a delight for the senses. It is made with thin layers of flaky butter pastry, in the French baking style, with the incorporation of  70% cocoa dark chocolate chips. The result is an attractive and sublime tasting croissant with an irresistible texture of thin layers that melt in the mouth.  

Its 27% butter content and dark chocolate chips, both inside and out, will delight adult gourmet consumers looking for high quality products with exquisite flavours.


In traditional outlets it will expand your range of value-added croissants. And if you bake them at peak customer traffic times, you'll boost impulse sales thanks to their irresistible aroma. We also recommend displaying the Croissants with a sign indicating the 70% cocoa dark chocolate chips.

In hotel and catering establishments, the new Croissant will increase the quality and cachet of your breakfasts and snacks. Offer it with a hot drink, juices and a variety of fruit.

El nuevo Croissant de mantequilla con pepitas de chocolate está ya disponible a través de todos los canales de venta de Berlys, consulta con tu agente comercial o pídelo en nuestra App.  

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New Trenza de frutos secos y canela Körfest

A delicious new variety to extend our successful Trenzas Körfest Tradición range. It is made with an exquisite flaky pastry using real butter, filled with pastry cream, almond crocanti, toasted chopped hazelnuts and a touch of cinnamon.


To make it, the dough is left to prove for 72 hours and shaped by hand to achieve its characteristic braided appearance. Afterwards, it is bathed in a cinnamon glaze and decorated with almond crocanti. Only in this way can we achieve its unique, unforgettable texture and sublime flavour. A real treat for the palate!


Trenzas Körfest are designed for consumers who are looking for an attractive, high-quality confectionery product which is easy to consume, whether as a snack or for catering services, celebrations and events. In addition, all varieties are served in elegant, exclusive packaging with lid and window for easy display and transport.

Offer it for weekends and holidays along with the rest of the range.

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New Tartas Tradición by Körfest

The new range of Tartas Tradición by Körfest come in two delicious varieties: Cheese and Tiramisu. A commitment to high quality pastries in medium format, ideal for sharing at any moment, because there is no need for a celebration to enjoy the unique texture and taste.

The new 370 gram Tarta de Queso Tradición will delight you with its exquisite smooth and creamy texture which is slightly oozy inside. It is made with 40% cheese, cream, milk and eggs, and lightly browned thanks to caramelisation during baking. In addition, it comes in a decorative mould, protected by baking paper, very much in line with its traditional image.

The new 500 gram Tarta Tiramisú Tradición is inspired by the traditional Italian recipe. is made with two layers of sponge cake soaked in coffee syrup with a touch of rum flavouring. It is then filled with cream, mascarpone cheese and amaretto paste. Its attractive and original decoration, in the form of waves sprinkled with cocoa powder, will make it the star of your display case, boosting impulse purchases.


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New Hazelnut Muffin Körfest

A delicious new flavour joins the Muffins Körfest range. The new Hazelnut Muffin stands out for its light, slightly moistened dough with nut pieces and a delicious hazelnut cream filling. It is decorated with a topping of toasted hazelnut sprinkles and a small cream crown revealing the filling within. In addition it needs no baking; just defrost and it's ready to sell!

As an impulse product, we recommend displaying them in full view of the customer, under a glass dome or on a display stand to better preserve all their stimulating properties.

You can also increase the frequency of sales by serving them with hot or cold drinks, (coffee, tea, smoothies), to take away or drink on the premises.


Complete your range of Muffins Körfest:

- Cheese and blueberry

- Triple bonbon

- Bonbon and cream

- Carrot Cake

- Toffee and apple

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New Multicereals Croissant cocoa cream and hazelnut filling

A delicious treat of thin, exquisite sheets of flaky pastry, enriched with seeds and cereals, enveloping a delicious, tempting cocoa cream and hazelnut filling. The new 80-gram filled croissant is served ready-proved and egg-glazed; it will delight everyone.

The seeds and cereals, both in the dough and in the topping, are an ideal source of fibre for those who want to take care of their diets without giving up the pleasure of traditional pastries. In addition, they provide extra flavour for both breakfast and as snacks.

In traditional establishments, we recommend displaying with a sign highlighting the cocoa cream filling. They can also be decorated with chocolate details, either in cream, with sprinkles or with a square of chocolate, to grab the attention of your customers and encourage impulse purchases.

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New Cookie Ylisto cocoa cream filling with hazelnuts

The Cookies Ylisto family is growing!

We are introducing a new Cookie that will surprise you with its delicious cocoa cream filling with hazelnuts. It also has chocolate chips in the dough and is decorated with almond sprinkles; an 80 gram treat to enjoy at any time.

It is ready for sale simply by defrosting and, for convenience, it is served individually bagged. Once defrosted, it will keep in perfect condition for up to 15 days.

The Cookie is an impulse purchase to be displayed in traditional and modern establishments, hotels, cafés, restaurants and corner shops. Complete your range of Ylisto Cookies now: Chocolate Cookie, fantasy Cookie, bonbon Cookie and orange and sultana Cookie.

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New Campera Semillas Sustainable flour

A new loaf from the Nature Range, made with wheat flour from sustainably farmed wheat. It also has sesame seeds in the dough to provide that special touch to its aroma and flavour, perfectly enhancing its soft, moist crumb.

Thanks to its 350 g format, it stays fresh longer. In addition, it contains no artificial additives or preservatives.

This new Nature variety has an edible wafer on the crust as a seal verifying that it is a product made from sustainable flour.

It is ideal for traditional bakeries looking to stand out, and also catering establishments that want to align themselves with the trend in sustainable, environmentally friendly food.

Sustainable flour

Sustainable agriculture is already a reality. For that reason, at Monbake we are moving towards a more environmentally friendly agriculture, reducing the use of harmful fertilisers, ensuring good farming practices that prevent soil erosion, and providing traceability from the field to the table.

At Monbake we are committed to contributing to the protection of the environment throughout the entire production chain, from cultivation to consumption, without depleting natural resources, which are becoming increasingly scarce.

To achieve this, we are working with suppliers who share the same philosophy and guarantee the production of sustainably grown flour.

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New Corn Trainera 5,9%

La Trainera Maíz is the new variety of rustic bread for everyday consumption. It is made with 5.9% corn flour* and sunflower seeds, which give it an additional touch of sweetness that will delight lovers of the most innovative breads. Its crust is thin and crisp, its crumb is soft and moist, with the characteristic yellow hue of the Andean cereal, in an elongated 275 gram format for daily consumption.

Its format and flavour make it perfect to accompany lunches and dinners, to prepare sandwiches and kebabs, or toast with both sweet and savoury fillings.

It is designed for those businesses that want to stand out with special breads for consumers who are looking for unique flavours. In addition, its recipe contains no additives or preservatives, guaranteeing the E-number free Clean Label.

*Percentage expressed as a percentage of total flour.

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New Corn Hamburger Bread 8,4%

With a rustic look, a thin, crisp crust and a soft crumb, the new Hamburger Bread is made with 8.4% corn flour* and sunflower seeds, which provides a sweet touch to the flavour. It is the ideal bun for preparing delicious burger recipes with unique flavours. In addition, it can easily withstand the weight of ingredients, preventing the burger from falling apart, and allows for quick preparation, as it is ready to eat after defrosting.

And if you want that freshly baked effect, with just one blast of heat it's as if freshly made!

This new 85 gram corn variety extends the range of Berlys hamburger buns, designed especially for catering businesses looking to stand out through premium products while saving time and money. It is also ideal for bagged sales in traditional establishments, targeting consumers looking for the experience of tasting a gourmet burger at home, without the need for baking.

Complete your range of Ylisto burger buns with the Rustic Burger, Cereal Burger and Bavarian Burger, all made without additives or preservatives, guaranteeing the E-number free Clean Label. 

*Percentage expressed as a percentage of total flours.

Completa tu gama de panes de hamburguesa Ylisto con la Hamburguesa Rústica, Hamburguesa Cereales y Hamburguesa Baviera, todas elaboradas sin aditivos ni conservantes, lo que garantiza una etiqueta limpia Clean Label sin números E.

*Porcentaje expresado sobre el total de harinas.

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New Barra Puro Cereal

The new 310 g Barra Puro Cereal is aimed at the consumers who watch their diets without sacrificing flavour.

It is made with rye flour, crushed rye and malted wheat flour for the dough and a topping of brown flaxseed, peeled sesame, golden flax, hulled sunflower, hulled millet and chia seeds. As well as providing health benefits as a source of fibre, protein, vitamins and minerals, they give it a more pronounced flavour.

It is baked in a stone-floored oven to achieve a moister crumb and a unique aroma, flavour and texture. The product is set to be a best-seller.

If you have a traditional establishment, feature the new Barra Puro Cereal with a small sign stating the seeds and cereals it contains. This will attract the attention of your customers, especially those who want to take care of their diets. If you have a catering establishment, serve it in slices to accompany your healthy menus, use it to create sandwiches and kebabs, or toast it for breakfast.

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The taste of summer

The arrival of good weather increases open-air consumption and take-away sales. For that reason, we are providing a selection of impulse-buy fast turnover savoury products to increase your sales, such as pastries with savoury fillings, Empanadillas, Pizzas or Cocas, Your summer will be a complete success!


The Savoury Pastries feature delicious combinations of fillings and are an essential in your showcase. Easy to finish and handle, they come in an individual format which is ideal for eating at any time of the day, whether on the premises or to take away. And trans fat free! As a novelty we are extending our innovative range of Pañuelos with the new, tasty Pañuelo de pollo y cebolla, in addition to the new Cresta de jamón y queso, a flaky pastry product which is irresistible from the first bite.

Within the exquisite range of Empanadillas Argentinas we introduce two new flavours set to be a complete success, the Empanadilla Argentina de pollo al curry and the Empanadilla Argentina de queso de cabra. They are created using a traditional recipe, with a generous filling and a handmade "closure".

The Pizza slabs are perfect to cut and serve, and also to take away. Their thin bases, baked in a stone oven, and delicious, abundant toppings, make this range of Pizzas an indispensable part of your selection for portion sales. They are easy to oversee; simply defrost and bake. And if they go cold after baking, with just blast of heat they are as if freshly made.


The choux pastry Empanadillas contain tasty fillings of tuna, tuna and tomato, or pisto. They are very easy to handle, because they do not need defrosting before baking. And they can be eaten at any time of the day, either cold or hot.


The Mini Pizzas, Cocas and Panettis tare the ideal format for individual sales, in addition to facilitating stock control. They are highly versatile, ideal to serve and take away, as a stand-in for a meal or even to offer as a hors d'oeuvre in small portions. Your customers will long for more!


Remember that take-away sales are an option to extend your sales margins. You can offer fast, easy-to-handle products without the customers taking up space on your premises. You will save on table service and the sale will be faster and more profitable.

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Save time and money with the new Xpress breads

Fewer minutes in the oven means lower energy consumption, and with the Xpress varieties you will save on preparation time and bills. They are served baked, and with a simple blast of heat they are as if freshly made.


The new Media Gallega Xpress and Payesita Cereales Xpress extend the range of products created to facilitate the day to day running of catering and Horeca establishments, by saving on baking time. In addition, for even greater convenience, you can choose from 3 preparation options:


Without defrosting, between 7 and 8 minutes in the oven
Defrost for 20 to 30 minutes and 5 minutes in the oven
Defrost for 20 to 30 minutes and give them a blast of heat in the salamander for 3-4 minutes


Their format is perfect for creating sandwiches and pinchos, and for accompanying your dishes. The Media Gallega has a soft crumb and thin, crisp crust, with the traditional flavour of the Gallega. The Payesita Cereales features seeds and cereals on the crust and in the dough, which gives it a more pronounced flavour and more health benefits, thanks to their low content in saturated fats and source of proteins.

There are up to 8 varieties in the Xpress Range, together with the new Media Gallega and Payesita Cereales: Baguetina, Bollo, Panecillo, Gran Vitrium, Bocadillo Vitrium and Cuadrado Vitrium.


Besides, Ylisto Bakery range includes the attractive 55-gram Diamante, which are very easy to eat and created using special ingredients: Diamante, Diamante 100% Integral, Diamante Cereales and Diamante Maíz, and the Rústico, Cereales and Baviera hamburger buns. In addition, in traditional establishments they can be sold in bags individually, of either the same type or mixed, and it is recommended that the product be defrosted for 120 minutes to prevent the formation of condensation within the bag. 


Take advantage of the Ylisto and Xpress range of products and save time and money, offering products with excellent quality and a delicious flavour.

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The new Rayados are set to become a lure within the savoury product showcase. There are two 140 g varieties made with soft Danish style pastry and abundant, tasty fillings, such as teriyaki chicken and carbonara sauce.

Their attractive appearance, with transverse cuts allow part of the filling to be seen, while retaining all its freshness. They are easy to handle, because they come already decorated with a seed topping, and all you have to do is defrost them and pop them in the oven. The result is a delicious contrast in textures and flavours that will be a total sales success.


The Rayado Pollo Teriyaki is filled with chicken in teriyaki sauce, mushrooms and fried onion.

The Rayado Carbonara is filled with carbonara sauce with Grana Padano PDO* (* Protected Designation of Origin), bacon and fried onion.


They can be sold hot or cold, to take away or to eat in. And with a blast of heat, they look recently baked. It is recommended to display the Rayados in an attractive container ready to take away, and to run offers with soft drinks.

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Forget the oven with the new Croissant Curvo Ylisto fully-baked. All you have to do is defrost it for a few minutes and it is ready to sell. Besides, it is made with butter, which gives it an exquisite flavour. It is honeycombed inside and has the appearance of a classic curved croissant.


It is perfect for breakfasts or snacks, to open and grill or to fill with delicious sweet or savoury ingredients. A 65-gram curved croissant in the traditional style, with irresistible pastry that, in addition to freeing you from the oven, also facilitates stock control.


It is recommended that the Croissants Ylisto are displayed within a glass showcase or dome, in full view of the customers, in order to keep them fresh.


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New Roll

The new Roll is the new variety of high quality Bollería Gourmet created for the sweetest, most exquisite of palates. It is made with a dough similar to the croissant and enriched with butter and sugar, which caramelises during baking and gives it a unique, exquisite texture, in contrast to the softness of its pastry. It also stands out due to its attractive spiral shape which is served within an individual capsule that facilitates handling.


The Roll, which weighs 81 grams, is ideal for those establishments that wish to differentiate themselves through a high quality, elegant, charming product, to offer at breakfast and as a snack. For that reason, it is recommended that they are displayed in the upper part of the showcase, in order to be more visible and attract the attention of your customers.

In order to achieve the best results, it is recommended that the Rolls are removed from their capsules on removal from the oven, turned around, and returned to their capsules. In that way the gloss of the crystallised sugar layer which forms on the surface can be better appreciated.

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We are extending the Vitrium family of breads with three new formats intended for hotel and restaurant customers. The new 250 g Gran Vitrium, 75 g, Cuadrado Vitrium and 55 g Flauta Vitrium breads come already 90% cooked and just need a blast of heat to prepare delicious creations and accompany your top dishes. Their crust is fine and crisp, free of cuts or cracks, and their dough is silky and highly honeycombed. In addition, they have an aroma and flavour which combine to perfection with all foods.


They stand out for their versatility and ease of preparation, which makes them the perfect ally for those with little time, without foregoing quality. They have three preparation options so that customers can choose that which best suits their needs:

  • Defrost for 30 minutes and bake for 4 minutes at 1800C.
    Without defrosting, bake for 6 minutes at 1800C.
    Defrost for 30 minutes, open in two and toast in a toaster, grill or salamender for 2 to 3 minutes.


    The Gran Vitrium is perfect for both for catering and for traditional establishments, the Cuadrado Vitrium has the ideal size to accompany lunches or dinners, or for making sandwiches or burgers. And the Flauta Vitrium has an elongated format which is perfect for original, appealing sandwiches. These new varieties join the already successful 100 g Bocadillo Vitrium.

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New Diamantes

Following the success of Diamante bread, three new 55 g varieties are launched, made with special ingredients which provide greater nutritional value, more flavour and a more attractive appearance: Diamante 100% Integral, Diamante Semillas and Diamante Maíz. 

Diamante is a variety of bread marked by its small format and rustic style, and has a soft crumb, thin, crisp crust, and is extremely versatile and easy to prepare. It is highly recommended for catering and restaurants, because all it requires is defrosting and it is ready to serve or use to create pintxos and sandwiches.


Thanks to its ease of preparation, it is perfect for those establishments with little time, to offer in mixed baskets at lunches or dinners, to open and toast at breakfast buffets in hotels, to prepare appetisers and pintxos, etc. and for those who want that recently baked effect, with just a 2-minute blast of heat, the Diamantes come out as if freshly baked.

In traditional bakeries they can be sold in bags by unit, all the same or a combination, because they are ideal for preparing little sandwiches at home, for kids' snacks, and for single person households or those with few members. 

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New Napolitana Decorada Cacao

The traditional Napolitana now comes decorated. With the new 90 g Napolitana Decorada Cacao you will save time and resources, because you just have to defrost them and pop them in the oven!

They are made with an exquisite flaky pastry, filled with cocoa-cream and decorated with chocolate chips, which will delight both young and old.

They are perfect for establishments with little time to spare that do not wish to forego a high quality, perfectly finished product.

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New Pan Payés de Tritordeum 50%

Berlys presents a new variety of rustic loaf which joins the Nature family, outstanding as breads created with special ingredients which remain fresh longer. The new Pan Payes de Tritordeum 50% weighs 375 grams and is made with 50% Tritordeum flour and germinated grain, which provide greater freshness for longer and unmatchable flavour. Its attractive format with natural dimples and a dusting of flour will make this variety stand out in all the showcases and bread baskets in your establishment.

It is intended for those customers who appreciate and seek healthier products, made in the traditional way for those who appreciate traditional bread.

It is ideal for traditional stores, such as Bread Boutiques and Premium Bakeries, to display in baskets on the bread display, and for HORECA establishments that want to stand out through healthy high quality bread. It is perfect for toast and pintxos or toasted and sliced or in wedges in a basket, and even provide freshly cut at the moment it is eaten.

What is Tritordeum cereal?

  • Tritordeum is a cereal obtained by naturally crossing wheat and barley.
  • Its gluten is more digestible that that in conventional wheat, but it is not suitable for coeliacs.
  • It contains dietary fibre, which is essential for good cardiovascular and intestinal health. Thanks to its prebiotic effect, fibre helps to improve intestinal bacterial flora.
  • It contains more oleic acid than wheat (a fatty acid from the omega-9 family that prevents cardiovascular diseases), and antioxidants, such as lutein, which is related to ocular health.
  • Its cultivation is more sustainable with respect to nature.
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News Napolitana Dúo Cacao and Mini Napolitana Dúo Cacao

Two new pastry varieties filled with cocoa cream which suggest French confectionery, thanks to their exquisite butter pastry and their elegant, attractive appearance.

They are created using an exquisite flaky butter pastry with a fine layer of crunchy cocoa. Inside is an extraordinarily delicious, abundant filling of cocoa cream with toasted hazelnuts. On the outside there are decorative cuts which make the products highly attractive.

They come in two formats, the 95 gramme Napolitana Dúo Cacao, perfect as an individual piece, and the 45 gramme Mini Napolitana Dúo Cacao, ideal for sale by weight or by unit, and to serve on buffets or as part of a catering service.

They are perfect to instagram; for those consumers who love to have fun and show off. Serve them at breakfast or in brunches, accompanied by fresh fruit, cereal, coffee, juice and jams, on carefully chosen crockery. Let them take all the photos they want to share on social media and thus give your establishment publicity.  

The new Napolitanas extend the Dúo Range, which stands out due to its careful preparation, attractive appearance and flaky butter pastry. Designed for palates seeking gourmet products.

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New Barrita Campestre

A new seeded rustic variety in individual format; perfect for those who pay attention to what they eat without renouncing the bread's flavour.

The dough is created using a selected mix of wholemeal quinoa flour, wholemeal teff flour, rye flour, wholemeal wheat flour, toasted malted wheat flour and wheat bran. Its topping has brown flax, husked sesame, golden flax, husked sunflower, millet and chia seed. This variety of bread is recommended for being high in protein, and is created using nutritionally significant ingredients, without neglecting its delicious flavour!

The 155 gramme Barrita Campestre is the ideal size for accompanying meals and for preparing sandwiches and snacks with healthy ingredients.

In sales establishments we recommend highlighting their ingredients and benefits on a board or poster, in order to inform your customers.

In restaurants, hotels and cafés, offer this variety within your bread menu for those customers who look after their health. It is ideal when combined with other varieties of bread in baskets for the centre of the table.

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New Pampadillas

The new Pampadillas are four delicious, fun varieties of high quality "empanadilla" with a dough inspired by the traditional Argentinian recipe, which is finer, softer and more elastic. With tasty fillings and original formats in different colours, which provide them with an unmistakable flavour and texture. They are very easy to handle, because after defrosting they are ready to bake, without the need for decoration or egg glaze.

All the Pampadillas weigh 90 grammes and come in the following varieties: Beef with egg Pampadilla, Tuna Pampadilla, Chicken Curry Pampadilla, and traditional Chicken Papadilla, all with fillings based on dishes created with fresh natural products.

A snack with a difference, to eat alone or in company, and to take away as an individual piece or in a box with assorted flavours. Bake them at lunch time to attract customers with their aroma, and increase impulse purchases. Offer packs to take away in a bag or box, and in conjunction with drinks.

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New Muffin Körfest Carrot Cake

Monbake has reinvented the classic Anglo-Saxon cake in Muffin format, perfect for individual consumption, with an irresistible flavour, soft, spongy dough, cream cheese filling and topping of toasted chopped nuts. Its dough is created using diced carrot, walnut and a hint of cinnamon in order to obtain the true flavour of Carrot Cake.

This variety is asked for and recognised by consumers, so the Muffin Carrot Cake is perfect for sales in all types of establishment, for prominent display and to promote impulse purchasing or to serve at breakfast and snack times, accompanied by cold or hot drinks.

With a dense, spongy, slightly moist dough, the Muffins Körfest are filled with delicious creams and decorated with chocolate chips or chopped nuts. A must-have range for your business to make you stand out. In addition, just defrost and they are ready to serve.

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New Trenza Körfest Florentina

Made from flaky butter pastry, this new variety of Körfest plaits comes with a traditional flavour and custard cream filling. It is decorated with a topping of flaked almonds and sugar which, when baked, gives it a crisp texture and glazed appearance, providing a delicious contrast to the softness of the dough and filling. Luxury for the palate!


It is designed for consumers who are seeking a different, attractive, high-quality dessert, and it is served in elegant packaging which facilitates protection and transport.


Promote it before the weekend and public holidays together with the rest of the range. The product offers versatility with respect to consumption, as it is suitable for breakfasts and snacks, as a dessert, for catering services, and to surprise guests at celebrations and events.

The Körfest plaits are unique on the market, because they are created using a soft, butter-based flaky pastry, in accordance with a ling 72-hour, 3 proving period process, which includes the manual shaping that so sets this product apart. In addition, they are served already decorated and just by defrosting they are ready for sale.

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Nueva Baguette Origen Plus

La nueva Baguette Origen Plus amplía nuestra exitosa gama de Panes Origen, que destacan por su lento y cuidado proceso de elaboración que consigue que se conserven más tiempo frescos. Esta nueva variedad se presenta en uno de los formatos más demandados de la panera: la Baguette.


La nueva Baguette Origen Plus se elabora utilizando las mejores harinas procedentes de los trigos más selectos, una lenta elaboración de más de 10 horas, que incluye 3 fermentaciones y un perfecto horneado que conserva la humedad. El resultado es un pan que se conserva fresco durante más tiempo, con una miga más densa, alveolada y jugosa, una corteza crujiente y un sabor más intenso.

Es una variedad para la venta diaria en los establecimientos tradicionales para el consumo de toda la familia, gracias a su agradable sabor, es fácil de masticar y combina muy bien con todos los alimentos. Por otro lado, es un pan muy versátil para la hostelería y la restauración. Se puede servir en los menús del día acompañando a todo tipo de platos y también para elaborar bocadillos, pinchos, tostas, etc.

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New Brioches Ylisto

The new Brioches Ylisto have a delicious flavour which reminds us of the  classic French brioche, with its golden appearance and soft, spongy, honeycombed crumb. It comes in two varieties, one traditional and the other with chocolate drops, which will delight both young and old. In addition, they come already decorated and do not need baking; simply defrost and they are ready for sale.


They are created with a high percentage of egg and butter, following a slow, careful process that includes double proving to retain moisture in the dough and achieve greatersoftness and succulence. They are then glazed with egg and cooked in a refractory oven.

The classic Brioche has a topping of white and brown sugar that, on baking, provided a slightly crispy, delicious texture. El Chocolate Brioche has chocolate drops in the dough, which attract the attention of the younger customer. The two will feature at breakfast and snack time, because they are soft and succulent, with an irresistible flavour and easy to chew.


The Brioches Ylisto are ideal for sale in traditional establishments as individual items, or as several similar or combined units, which can packaged in order to facilitate carrying and to ensure hygiene. Neither should they be lacking in the range offered by Catering and Restaurant establishments, because they require no handling and they are loved by all customer groups. Serve them accompanied by coffee, milkshakes or a traditional glass of warm milk. A guaranteed hit!

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Nuevos Panettis

Dos nuevas y deliciosas variedades de snacks salados que te sorprenderán por su masa tipo pan, tierna, esponjosa por dentro y crujiente por fuera, con abundante y sabroso relleno.

Están elaborados con masa madre siguiendo un cuidado proceso. Se forman, se estiran a mano y se rellenan con abundantes ingredientes seleccionados, como las verduras frescas, para posteriormente cocerse en horno de piedra. El resultado es un producto muy vistoso con una masa de alveolo grande e irregular que, junto con sus rellenos, sorprende por su intenso y delicioso sabor.

El Panetti de Verduras lleva una salsa de tomate elaborada a partir de tomate natural triturado, trocitos de calabacín, tiras de pimiento rojo, champiñones, espinacas, cebolla morada, queso curado y aceite de oliva. El Panetti de Pollo lleva una cremosa salsa bechamel elaborada con receta propia (leche, harina y nata), trocitos de solomillo de pollo con sofrito de cebolla, champiñones, crema de queso de cabra y queso mozzarella 100%.

Los Panettis son perfectos a cualquier hora del día o como sustituto de la comida o de la cena. Su formato individual es idóneo para la venta para llevar. Ofrécelos dentro de una bolsa de papel, una barqueta o una caja cerrada de cartón para facilitar su transporte y mantener una higiene adecuada. También puedes promocionarlos combinados con refrescos, llamarás la atención del consumidor y te ayudará a incrementar las ventas.


En hostelería y restauración se pueden servir solos o para compartir, como picoteo y aperitivo cortado en pequeñas porciones. Con la ventaja de que una vez que están horneados, con sólo un golpe de calor quedan de nuevo como recién hechos.
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Ahora más que nunca, seguimos trabajando


En Berlys continuamos trabajando con más esfuerzo que nunca para abastecer a todos nuestros clientes, ofreciendo productos de primera necesidad en momentos tan complicados e inéditos como los que estamos viviendo, y lo hacemos manteniendo la calidad que nos caracteriza bajo estrictas medidas de seguridad.
Y todo gracias a la entrega de nuestro equipo humano, que especialmente estos días aporta lo mejor de sí para que nuestro pan, nuestra bollería y nuestra pastelería sigan llegando a todos los hogares y rincones del país. Gracias también a todos los clientes y consumidores por la confianza que siguen mostrándonos y a nuestros proveedores que nos aseguran el suministro.

Animamos a todos a mantener las conductas responsables que en cada momento recomienden las autoridades sanitarias. ¡Entre todos saldremos de esta!


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New Hogaza Artesa

The new Hogazas Artesa are the result of a careful creation and baking process which makes this range one of the most valued on the market. Because they are made using rye and wheat sourdough, given long proving times of over 9 hours, and are baked reproducing the baking techniques of the past. In that way, we ensure that the loaves have a soft, moist, honeycombed crumb, with a unique texture, which keeps its aroma and flavour for longer. Its round format is highly attractive, with a lightly-floured crisp reddish crust with hints of a toasted flavour, recalling classic baked bread.

The Hogaza Chia is enriched with chia seeds, which are considered a superfood due to their nutritional properties. They are rich in calcium, iron, potassium and proteins.

The Hogaza Avena contains bits of oatmeal, a cereal which is rich in fibre, B vitamins, iron, phosphorus and magnesium.

The Artesa Loaves are two high-quality varieties that will win over those consumers who value traditional bread-making. Due to its format, flavour and ingredients, they are ideal for spreading, toasting, as an accompaniment to lunches and dinners, and to create healthy toasted bread.


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New Diamante Ylisto

A new small rustic variety with a soft white crumb, which is very versatile and easy to prepare. It is served pre-baked and only needs a few minutes to defrost and it isready to eat. Thanks to its fine crust and its soft easy-to-eat crumb, the Diamante is ideal for preparing rapid canapes and pinchos in hotel and restaurant establishments, or to accompany lunches and set menus. It is also perfect for preparing children's snacks, with sweet fillings, such as chocolate spread, or savoury, such as the classic ham and cheese.

It is a staple that should be ever-present in hotel and restaurant estabishments which demand quality products which can be prepared rapidly, in addition to catering services and hotel buffets. With a blast of heat they look recently baked. In addition, they can be cut in half without defrosting and toasted immediately in a salamander or toaster. In traditional and retail establishments we recommend sale in a bag for several units.

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New Hogaza 100% Espelta

Conceived for consumers seeking bread made with special flours such as spelt, which contains more nutrients and less gluten than wheat flour, and so is more easily digested.

The Hogaza 100% Espelta comes in a 350 gram format, which is ideal for slicing and which keeps fresher longer. Its golden crust covered in spelt grains, and its white crumb, has the characteristic aroma of spelt.

Aimed particularly at traditional establishments, which can create an attractive display using wicker or wooden baskets, which associate the product with what is natural. They are also perfect for those gourmet restaurants that wish to offer new, innovative products on their bread menus.

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New Payesita 100% Integral

This new medium-format rustic variety will surprise those consumers who take care of their health and diet, because it is made with wholemeal wheat flour. The Payesita 100% Integral has a high fibre content and more nutrients than normal bread, such as B vitamins, vitamin E, proteins and minerals such as magnesium, potassium, iron and zinc. It has a tasty, moins crumb, which is digested slowly, leading to a greater feeling of fullness.

It is created through a careful process which includes baking in a stone oven, which improves its ability to stay fresh longer with the same aroma and flavour.

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News Moodie Cacao Leche y Moodie Blanco

Two new varieties from the MOODIES RANGE with delicious fillings and fun toppings, which will delight both young and old. Because they have a very soft, spongy fried dough. They are served in 6-unit blister packs, which help with stock control and which also help the product not to lose its softness during defrosting. They are already decorated and simply by defrosting they are ready to eat.

The Moodie Cacao-Leche has a coating and drops of milk chocolate, and the Moodie Blanco has a white coating and chocolate drops.

In traditional establishments you can create a "Moodies Area” in a visible place in the store, in order to boost impulse purchases. In hotel and restaurant establishments they are a basic for breakfasts and snacks, in addition to breakfast buffets in hotels. They are perfect if arranged in rows by colour, in order to create a visual effect that grabs the attention.

The Moodies Range is completed with the Moodie Pink, filled with strawberry, and with the Moodie Confeti, filled with white cream. 

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News Mini Twister de queso y Mini Twister Paprika

Their delicious fillings and attractive rolled format make them the ideal snack to eat between meals or as an appetizer at lunches and dinners. They are created using margarine to provide a fine, flaky texture, which is crisp and irresistible on the palate. They are filled and rolled by hand, glazed with egg and decorated by hand with various toppings.

The Cheese Mini Twister is filled with Manchego cheese  and decorated with a topping of Emmental cheese.

The Paprika Mini Twister is filled with a paprika filling, with a slight spicy touch, and decorated with sesame seeds.

In traditional establishments they can be served as take away with various pieces of the same flavour, or in combination. In hotel and restaurant establishments  they are perfect as an appetizer or as tapas, and can even be served accompanied by sauces.

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New Coca de Queso y Coca Vegetal

With the perfect format to serve and take away as a single piece or to share, the new Cocas are ideal to eat as a lunch substitute, to eat between meals, or as an appetizer. They are created with a sourdough bread base, kneaded by hand, and are filled with the tastiest natural ingredients. In addition, with just a blast of heat before serving they are as if just made.

The Cheese Coca is filled with caramelised onion made to our own recipe, soft goat's cheese, courgette, fresh tomato and chopped walnuts. The Vegetable Coca has wild asparagus, mushrooms, red onion, roast peppers, leeks and olive oil.It is very easy to handle;  just defrost and straight into the oven. In addition, thanks to its format, it aids stock control.

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New Cocoa and Cream Coquilles Dúo

The COQUILLES are a new variety of top-end pastry which come in a fresh, attractive, format, in the form of a "shell". They are created following the original recipe for traditional Italian pastry, using butter and margarine, and featuring delicious fillings, which provide an irresistible flavour and a light, crisp texture. They come in two sizes, one large, at 85 grams, ideal for unit sales, and the other mini, at 24 grams, perfect for sale by weight or to serve during catering services or on breakfast buffets. In addition, they do not need to be defrosted; they go straight into the oven!

The COCOA COQUILLES DÚO are filled with a fine cocoa cream and coated with a stripe of cocoa paste. The CREAM COQUILLES DÚO are filled with a delicious custard cream containing milk cream. The two have a  sugar and honey glaze on the surface to  enhance their colour.

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New Körfest Weekend Tarts Ganaché de Cacao tart and Raspberry Cheesecake

The new Körfest Weekend Tarts will surprise you with their delicious fillings, irresistible appearance and size. Elegant, soft and light, they stand out for their size, which is slightly smaller that celebratory cakes. They are created using a light butter shortcrust pastry and exquisite fillings, then decorated in an artisan fashion.They are ideal as a weekend treat, and make those little moments special. In addition, they are served in their own box to take away, which facilitates their sale; just defrost, and they are ready to serve.



The Ganaché de Cacao Tart is filled with a delicious cocoa ganaché, decorated by hand with chopped pistachios, and the Raspberry Cheesecake is filled with a soft cheese cream decorated with raspberry preserve.


These two new delicious tarts join the already successful tarts from the Körfest Weekend Range, the  Lemon Pie tart andthe Cream Brûlée Tart.

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New 36% Wholemeal Baguette and Baguetina

Two new types of bread created using wholemeal wheat flour (36%) which are available in the two most popular formats. The 36% Wholemeal Baguette and 36% Wholemeal Baguetina have a soft, moist, spongy crumb, and the wholemeal flour colour can be seen in both the crumb and the crust.


Wholemeal products are recommended for those who take care of their diets,  due to their greater content of fibre, vitamins and minerals than white bread. So both the 36% Wholemeal Baguette and Baguetina are ideal for the health of the whole family. In addition, they are very easy to eat, due to the soft crumb, and fine, crisp crust.

In recent years the number of consumers of wholemeal products has increased and, in addition, they are prepared to pay more for food that they understand to be more beneficial for their health and diets. Wholemeal wheat flour provides more health benefits than conventional flours, including its higher fibre content. In the bran we can find B vitamins and a high concentration of fibre. The endosperm contains a large quantity of carbohydrate, above all starch. And the germ contains nutrients such as proteins, B vitamins, vitamin E, fats, and minerals such as magnesium, potassium, iron and zinc.


The Berlys high-fibre wholemeal breads are perfect for making healthy sandwiches, and to accompany meals in a balanced way.

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New Betina Gluten-free Cereal baguetina and Cereal Roll

Two new varieties that extend the Betina range of gluten-free products created using corn and rice flour, and enriched with red and black quinoa grains, flax and golden flax seed. The two are created through a careful process which achieves a golden colour, soft crumb and the usual format, but gluten free!

 The Gluten-free Cereal Baguetina weighs 100 grams and is ideal for enjoying sandwiches with the usual bread format. The Gluten-free Cereal Roll weighs 50 grams and is perfect for accompanying lunches or dinners.

 The seeds provide nutritionalbenefits in the diets of those who are coeliacs or gluten intolerant, m due to their high content of fibre and vegetable proteins, together with the presence of minerals, such as phosphorus and magnesium. 


All the Betina gluten-free bakery products feature the traditional format and are created using the finest ingredients, following a process that ensures the golden colour and soft crumb of traditional bread, but free from gluten. And for greater convenience, they come individually wrapped in an ovenable bag. Always keep them in their individual bags in order to prevent contamination with other products that may contain gluten.

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The new Moodie Confetti and Moodie Pink

Two new varieties from the MOODIES RANGE with delicious fillings and fun toppings, which will delight both young and old, because the Moodie Confetti and the Moodie Pink are created with a very soft, spongy fried dough, abundant filling and fun decoration. In addition, no baking is required; simply defrost and they are ready to eat!

The Moodie Confetti is filled with white cocoa flavoured cream and decorated with white icing and topped with coloured sprinkles. The Moodie Pink is filled with strawberry and decorated with pink icing, and a topping of white sugar.

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The new Körfest Grand Cocoa & Cookie Cake

The new GRAND COCOA & COOKIE CAKE pre-cut slab has the ideal format for hotel and restaurant establishments, in addition to specialist shops, which require high quality, convenience products. Because they come already portioned into 24 pieces, which facilitates impeccable plating and serving by portion. In addition, it can be defrosted by portion, allowing greaterstock control..

It is created with two layers of soft cocoa sponge and filled with cream cheese and cream, with a slight vanilla flavour. It is very attractive and appetising thanks to its various black and white layers, which can be seen, and its decoration of chopped chocolate biscuit. And it is very easy to handle; just defrost and it is ready to eat.

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The new Pizza Margherita

The new Pizza Margherita in slab format is a basic that should not be lacking in organised hotel and restaurant establishments, baker's and hot points. Because it is ideal to portion and personalise. It is created using sourdough and is a  very spongy dough that is shaped by hand, on which is spread a base of tomato, abundant mozzarella and a touch of olive oil. It is then baked in a stone oven in order to obtain a moist base with a fine, crisp crust, and the delicious flavour of real Italian pizza.


It is designed to be portioned and served as take-away, and sales can be boosted through special offers  including soft drinks. It is perfect for personalising with ingredients to taste: bacon, olives, peppers, tuna, salmon, etc. In addition, once baked, it can be re-heated in order to enhance its flavour, with a blast of heat.

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Nuevos Croissants Dúo Cacao

Dos Croissants de formato recto, grande y pequeño, muy innovadores y atractivos a la vista, gracias a sus elegantes líneas de cacao en crema a los que nadie se podrá resistir.

Están elaborados manualmente con finas láminas de hojaldre de mantequilla fresca y una exquisita capa de cacao. Después se incorpora una barrita de chocolate en su interior y se forman a mano, que les da un aspecto más artesano. Posteriormente se dejan reposar el tiempo necesario para conseguir así el sabor, el aroma y la textura inconfundibles de la bollería Premium.

El resultado final son dos productos únicos, disponibles en formato grande y mini, con un aspecto tan atractivo y con un sabor y una textura tan irresistibles, que tus clientes ¡repetirán seguro!

El formato grande de 90 gramos es ideal para la venta por unidad, mientras que el formato mini de 30 gramos es perfecto para su venta al peso y para caterings y buffets de desayunos. Su aspecto tan atractivo destacará tanto en la vitrina del dulce o en una cúpula de cristal. ¡Se venderán por sí solos!

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Nueva Trenza Corona de Körfest

La Trenza Corona es la nueva variedad de formato novedoso que amplía la gama de Trenzas Körfest. Al igual que el resto de variedades, está elaborada con una masa de suave hojaldrado a base de mantequilla fresca, que se rellena con crema de cacao y avellanas, siguiendo un largo proceso de más de 72 horas y tres fermentaciones. Sólo así se consigue potenciar todos los sabores y aromas. El formado a mano de su trenzado en “corona” deja ver el relleno de cacao, que junto con un topping de granillo de almendra convertirán a esta Trenza en uno de los productos más llamativos de la vitrina de los establecimientos de panadería y pastelería especializadas. Con un sabor único e irresistible, que seduce al primer bocado. 

No necesita hornear, se sirve ya terminada y decorada en un atractivo embalaje para llevar. Tan sólo descongelar y está lista para su venta y consumo. Es ideal para porcionar en desayunos y meriendas, para compartir en celebraciones, reuniones familiares y ocasiones especiales. Por su formato, resulta muy llamativa para exponer en la vitrina de los dulces y los postres. Puedes personalizar su presentación colocando en su centro algunos frutos rojos o helado de vainilla.

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Nuevas Tartas Weekend, Lemon Pie y Créme Brûlée

Las nuevas Tartas Weekend de Körfest están destinadas a convertirse en el “capricho del fin de semana”, porque son elegantes, suaves y ligeras y tienen el tamaño ideal para conseguir que cualquier ocasión se convierta en un momento especial. Están elaboradas con una base de masa sablée de mantequilla con exquisitos rellenos, decoradas de manera artesanal. Y no necesitan hornear, con sólo descongelar ya están listan para servir.


La Tarta Lemon Pie está rellena de crema de limón y merengue quemado con soplete a mano. Y la Tarta Créme Brulée, con crema de estilo obrador cubierta con yema pastelera, azúcar y canela tostada a pala manualmente. Ambas se sirven en una elegante caja con ventana para llevar, que permite ver el producto y aguantan en refrigeración hasta 3 días en perfecto estado y tienen el tamaño ideal de 4 a 6 porciones.  

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Nueva Trenza Toscana de Körfest

Es la nueva Trenza de estilo mediterráneo, con una masa hojaldrada elaborada con mantequilla fresca y un toque más salado, que se dejar reposar 72 horas antes de hornear. Su atractiva presentación entrelazada, formada manualmente, y su deliciosa combinación de ingredientes harán que cada bocado de la Trenza Toscana sea una explosión de sabor y un contraste de texturas.

Está rellena de crema de queso y salsa de tomate, todo ello repartido manualmente con espátula y decorada con baño de huevo, tomates cherry naturales y hierbas provenzales.

Es un producto dentro de la gama de “salados” que se sirve ya terminado sin necesidad de hornear, en un atractivo embalaje para llevar, lo que facilita su venta.

En establecimientos de hostelería y restauración se pueden servir en porciones, potenciando su sabor con un golpe de calor en el momento de su consumo. Es ideal también para compartir en familia o con amigos, como aperitivo o entrante en comidas y cenas.

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Nuevos Panes de Hamburguesa, Malta y Baviera

Dos nuevas variedades que amplían la gama de panes para hamburguesas de Berlys, pensadas para los establecimientos de hostelería y restauración que buscan un toque diferente en sus creaciones. Las nuevas Hamburguesa Malta y Hamburguesa Baviera tienen un aspecto artesano, con una corteza fina, dorada y ligeramente crujiente, con toppings de diferentes cereales y semillas. Las migas son suaves, fáciles de comer, y soportan muy bien el peso de los alimentos para que la hamburguesa mantenga perfectamente su estructura.


La Hamburguesa Malta contiene malta de centeno triturada y topping de copos de avena, mientras que la Hamburguesa Baviera lleva una combinación de harinas de malta de cebada, caramelizada de espelta, harina de malta de centeno y salvado de trigo, con topping de trigo sarraceno.

Son el soporte ideal para aquellos que buscan un pan con valor añadido para darle a sus elaboraciones, de sabor más intenso y con un aspecto más artesano. Además, son de fácil manipulado, porque tan sólo necesitan descongelar y en 2 minutos de horno están listos. ¡Se convertirán en un básico para tu carta de panes para hamburguesas!

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Nueva Malla de Pollo y Bacon

Junto con la Malla de Crema de Queso y Salmón, lanzada recientemente al mercado, la nueva Malla de Pollo y Bacon hará las delicias de los amantes del snacking y del consumo “on the go”, para tomar a cualquier hora y en cualquier lugar. Está elaborada con una masa hojaldrada de margarina y con abundante y sabroso relleno de trozos de pollo y bacon con salsa bechamel. Se sirve decorada con un topping de tiras de queso enmental, que al calentarse se derriten y le aportan un extra de sabor. Es de fácil manipulado, porque se sirve ya con baño de huevo, tan sólo descongelar y hornear.

Su formato individual responde a las tendencias actuales del consumo de snacks salados, siguiendo el gusto de un consumidor que busca ingredientes naturales y de máxima calidad. Es ideal para exponer en el rincón del “take away”, horneando en las horas centrales del día para que el olor atraiga a los clientes. Una vez horneado, se le puede volver a dar un toque de calor para que el queso se funda y el cliente lo consuma como recién hecho.

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Este San Valentín, enamorarás a tus clientes

Este San Valentín conquistarás a tus clientes con los productos de Berlys más románticos y deliciosos, con forma de corazón, ideales para regalar y endulzar a esa persona tan especial. 

Por un lado, dos tartas ideales para compartir entre dos, la Tarta Corazón de Fresa, con relleno sabor nata y trocitos de fresa entre dos finos bizcochos, cubierta de mermelada extra de frambuesa. Y la Tarta Corazón Sacher, con un delicioso bizcocho de cacao relleno de una fina capa de confitura extra de frambuesa, cubierta de chocolate. Ambas se sirven con un práctico envase para llevar y personalizar.

Además, con las Pastas Corazón Sablée, elaboradas con mantequilla de excelente calidad, que están rellenas de mermelada de frambuesa o rellenas de bombón. Y las Pastas Corazón Bombón, deliciosas pastas de té también elaboradas con mantequilla y rellenas de una deliciosa crema de cacao y avellanas. Están decoradas parcialmente por una cobertura de cacao que las hace más atractivas. Además se sirven en una cajita transparente de 6 unidades para hacerlas más llamativas y para mejor comodidad de nuestros clientes.

Todos estos productos están disponibles para los clientes de Berlys en todos sus canales de venta. 


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New Mini Trenza de Manzana and Mini Trenza de Naranja y Cacao

Körfest, the Berlys select pastries and desserts brand, is extending its range of Trenzas through two new varieties in the Mini format. Featuring Danish-style dough, a soft puff pastry made from fresh butter, and an attractive plaited appearance glazed with gelatine, the Mini Trenzas are both different and innovative, and are set to conquer palates.

The Mini Trenza de Manzana has a filling which is 70% cubes of delicious Granny Smith apple, and it is decorated with slices in a hand crafted style. It forms a suggestive combination of the sweet flavour of the pastry and the slightly acidic, refreshing touch of the apple.

To make it even more irresistible, it can be heated in the oven for one minute at 200º C, or in a microwave for a few seconds.

The Mini Trenza de Naranja y Cacao contains cubes of orange and custard cream, and the base contains a delicious, crisp coating of cocoa, resulting in a surprising combination of flavours and textures. To maintain this crisp texture, it is recommended that the product is kept away from sources of heat.

Due to the format, the Mini Trenzas are ideal for consumption at breakfast, as a snack, as a dessert, or to accompany tea or coffee, both in restaurants and catering facilities, and at home. It is a highly attractive product of high added value due to its quality, and is also ideal as an impulse purchase in bakeries, cake shops and specialist outlets. Well-presented and featured in the display cabinet or on the counter, it could be a huge temptation. As with the entire Körfest range, it is only necessary to defrost at room temperature to ensure the Mini Trenzas are exquisite and moist, as if just made.

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New Barra Artesa and New Baguette and Bocadillo Pannier

The Barra Artesa provides the true flavour of bread. It is made with selected raw ingredients, using sourdough and a stone oven baking process, in order to create a Premium product with unique characteristics. It features a lightly-floured reddish crust, and a honeycombed crumb. It is, in fact, bread to take us back to childhood, thanks to its appearance, aroma and flavour.

Furthermore, Pannier, representing the best in white and rustic bread, is extending its range through two new formats which meet the demands of consumers. The Baguette Pannier, with its long, thin format, is very easy to eat. And the Bocadillo Pannier, with its shorter, wider format, is ideal for sandwiches and "pinchos". The two are the perfect fusion of thin, crisp crust and silky crumb, and will seduce any palate.

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New Palmera Flor

The Palmera Flor is a new pastry format made using fresh butter. It is hand-made to provide its original shape, which is both attractive and different, and is ideal for customising using fun decoration ideas. It is made following a pastry process requiring time in order to promote the creation of its exquisite, thin layers, which include fresh butter to provide the delicious, refined flavour of gourmet pastry. In addition, it is finished with sugar which caramelises in the oven, giving it the perfect crisp touch.

It is the perfect product for customising, being highly versatile and allowing various decoration ideas. Whether applying a light finish with a glaze, a chocolate coating,  or a dusting of cocoa or coloured sugar, the product will attract the attention of both young and old. 

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New Pañuelos Tex Mex and Frankfurt and New Malla de Crema de Queso y Salmón

The Pañuelos are new varieties that will surprise at the first bite, thanks to the soft puff pastry which contrasts with the tasty savoury fillings. They have a striking appearance which is created by hand, and the filling can be clearly seen, favouring impulse purchases.

The Pañuelo Tex Mex is filled Mexican-style, with delicious minced pork, fried tomato and the famous "Tex-Mex" sauce. It is decorated with a topping of white teff. The Pañuelo Frankfurt has a base of tomato ketchup and a Frankfurter sausage, wrapped in a slice of smoked bacon and another of cheese.

In addition, the Malla de Crema de Queso y Salmón, has a soft Danish dough and an exquisite filling of cream cheese and pieces of smoked salmon. It features a hint of dill as a topping, which provides an even more rounded flavour. It is easy to prepare; simply defrost and pop in the oven. Ideal to eat at any time.

These three varieties are very easy to prepare because they come already finished; they only require defrosting and popping in the oven, and they are ready to serve. They are ideal for consuming on the go, at any time of the day. In addition, the recently-baked aroma of these products will attract more customers, and increase impulse purchases, above all in the middle of the day.

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Nueva Trenza de Manzana Körfest

Una nueva variedad de nuestra exitosa gama de Trenzas Körfest, que presenta en su relleno un 70% de cubos de deliciosa manzana y decorada de manera artesanal con gajos de esta misma fruta. Una sugerente combinación gracias al sabor dulce de su masa y al toque ligeramente ácido y refrescante de la manzana, que hará las delicias de los paladares más exigentes.


Al igual que el resto de variedades de Trenzas, está elaborada con una masa de suave hojaldrado a base de mantequilla y siguiendo un largo proceso de más de 72 horas y tres fermentaciones, que incluye el formado manual de su trenzado tan característico. Cualidades que hacen de la Trenza un producto muy atractivo, único e irresistible, que seduce al primer bocado. Todo un éxito de ventas para tu establecimiento!

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Nueva tarta Red Velvet, con porciones “american style”

La Red Velvet es una tarta con un aspecto muy llamativo que se hizo muy popular en EEUU en los años 40 y que a día de hoy se ha situado en una tendencia en el mercado europeo. En su proceso de elaboración, prácticamente artesanal, utilizamos colorantes naturales para conseguir esa tonalidad rojiza tan característica de su bizcocho, que resulta jugoso, suave y esponjoso, con un sabor dulce muy apetecible.

Está cortado en tres capas que se rellenan de una exquisita muselina de queso mascarpone muy cremosa y su decoración sigue la clásica receta, cubierta de la misma crema muselina y espolvoreado con pedacitos de bizcocho. 

Esta tarta de “estilo americano”, muy vistosa y con más altura que las tartas más comunes, es ideal para su venta en establecimientos de hostelería y restauración, por lo que aconsejamos exponerla en una cúpula de cristal para atraer y llamar la atención de los clientes y para conservarla en perfectas condiciones. Al servirse porcionada permite un emplatado mucho más sencillo y siempre prefecto. Además, facilita su control de stock porque se puede descongelar por porciones.

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Nuevo Bocadillo Vitrium, pon un toque de distinción en tus bocadillos

El Bocadillo Vitrium es una nueva variedad de pan muy ligero y delicado, ideal para establecimientos de Horeca y Restauración que quieren aportar un toque de distinción en sus creaciones. Está elaborado con harinas de alta calidad, aceite de girasol y más porcentaje de agua en masa, siguiendo un proceso de amasado lento y reposo en bloque. Así conseguimos un pan de corteza fina y crujiente, sin greñas ni cortes, de masa jugosa y en la que se aprecia un mayor alveolado, con un aroma y sabor suaves que combinan con cualquier tipo de alimento. 

Además, es de muy fácil manipulado, ya que sólo requiere unos minutos de descongelación y 5 minutos de horneado para conseguir el mejor resultado. Y para aquellos que no disponen de tiempo en su establecimiento, se puede descongelar, abrir por la mitad y tostar 2 – 3 minutos.

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Croissant de Mantequilla y Cacao Blanco, la combinación perfecta para los más golosos

Un nuevo Croissant de formato recto elaborado con una masa hojaldrada enriquecida con mantequilla y relleno de exquisita crema con cacao blanco. La textura de su masa y el relleno tan cremoso hacen de este Croissant todo un deleite para los amantes del dulce. Su terminación es muy sencilla porque ya se sirve pintado de huevo y con un topping de azúcar que carameliza al hornear, que además le aporta un toque más dulce y crujiente al primer bocado.

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Croissant de Mantequilla Multicereales y Croissant de Cereales, dos nuevos caprichos saludables

Para todos aquellos que buscan diferenciar su establecimiento, presentamos dos nuevas variedades de exquisita bollería con cereales que están muy en línea con las tendencias de consumo de productos más saludables. Son el Croissant de Mantequilla Multicereales y el Croissant de Cereales, de formato recto y que incluyen semillas y cereales en su masa y corteza, como el salvado de trigo, harina de centeno, copos de avena, lino marrón, semillas de girasol, semillas de sésamo y malta negra de cebada, y topping de semillas de girasol, lino dorada, lino marrón, sésamo, mijo y amapola.

Les aportan un sabor más intenso y todos los beneficios que éstas tienen para la salud, como su contenido en fibra, proteínas, antioxidantes, vitaminas y minerales.


El Croissant de Mantequilla Multicereales se elabora además con mantequilla, que le confiere una textura y un sabor más delicados, mientras que el Croissant de Cereales se elabora con margarina, para obtener más volumen y esponjosidad.

Su preparación es muy sencilla, porque se sirven ya fermentados y con baño de huevo y topping de cereales, tan sólo requieren descongelar y listos para hornear.

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Pan de Focaccia Clásica, sabor mediterráneo suave y jugoso

La nueva Focaccia Clásica es un pan muy suave de origen italiano, creado para elaborar deliciosos sandwiches tanto fríos como calientes, inspirados en el sabor mediterráneo. Esta variedad de formato cuadrado resulta muy fácil de comer gracias a su masa ligeramente enriquecida con azúcar y margarina, que le proporciona al pan una miga “soft” muy jugosa y una corteza fina y muy suave.

Es de muy fácil manipulado, ya que sólo requiere unos minutos de descongelación y horneado, incluso se puede descongelar, abrir y tostar directamente para servir en caliente. Es un pan muy versátil, que admite multitud de elaboraciones y rellenos, o bien cortar en tiras alargadas para untar en salsas y cremas
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Berlys extends its range of buns for hamburgers and its Nature range

Berlys has just launched their latest bakery products for the Hotel and Catering sector, with its new range of hamburger buns: Rustic and Cereals.

The Pan Hamburguesa Rústico is a new variety of bread for the preparation of rustic-style hamburgers, featuring a fine, golden, crisp crust which is also lightly floured. It is the ideal product for those who are looking for a bun for creations with an artisan look and traditional taste.   In addition, its very light, soft crumb has a delicious Mediterranean flavour.

The Pan Hamburguesa Cereales comes in a very tasty, healthy format, thanks to the seeds on the crust and in the dough, which provide it with a unique flavour and an irresistible appearance; ideal for highlighting the flavour of meat or vegetables. It also contains all the benefits that the seeds provide for your health, such as their high content in fibre, vitamins and minerals.

In addition, this new range of breads is simple and easy to prepare, as they only have to be defrosted and baked for 2 minutes. As a result, the caterer can more easily and more quickly prepare their creations, leading to maximum customer enjoyment. In addition, they are produced in accordance with a meticulous process involving the highest standards in quality.

Alongside these new products, Berlys has launched a microsite at to help hotel and catering professionals to come up with the most creative, tasty options. The web will feature a wide range of ideas covering the entire range of hamburger buns, accompanied by attractive, surprising ideas and presentations, using the most delicious fillings, which will allow the establishment to stand out and boost business.




New products in the large format bread Nature Range

Among Berlys' new products in baking are the new varieties which extend the Nature range of large-format breads, in response the the demand from consumers for healthy, natural products. The Extra Centeno contains 62% rye flour, which provides the slightly acidic, aromatic flavour so characteristic of this cereal, and it features a dense, moist, succulent crumb. Its high content in fibre and minerals make it a bread which is very beneficial for your health. In addition, its rustic, dark golden crust, lightly dusted with flour, will be a hit in baskets and bread displays, and in specialist establishments. The Pan con Maíz*, created using corn flour, is enriched with sunflower seeds, sunflower oil and carrot extract, which enhances the sweet flavour of the cereal and provides valuable benefits for the health, such as fibre, vitamins and minerals. Its crisp, lightly floured crust has the yellow hue which is characteristic of corn, and this is further accentuated in its dense, moist crumb.  Its sweet flavour will delight lovers of breads which are both innovative and have personality.

Berlys customers can now obtain the new products through their sales channels, the web page, or the company's mobile application. For more information, go to:


*7% corn flour on the total weight of the product.

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Berlys launches the Sandwich Range, a new family of bread which is ideal for Food Service

Berlys has just launched on the market their new bakery products for the Spring 2018 season, with the aim of helping the Food Service, Catering and Restaurant sector to present a more sophisticated creative range of products. 

The Sandwich Range is a new line of breads which are ideal for the most creative, original ideas, and which offer the catering professional added value and provide their customers with a fresh experience. They also come with a recipe book with ideas and attractive, surprising presentation suggestions, with the most delicious fillings, which will allow the establishment to stand out and boost business.

These new initiatives are a response to the demand for product which are used under the new concept of Slow Food, a trend in which the consumer dedicates more time to enjoying food, with no rush, valuing quality and taking into account the provenance of the raw materials and the way they are prepared. In addition, this new range of breads is simple and easy to prepare, as they only have to be defrosted to be ready to serve. In this way, the caterer can more easily and more quickly prepare their creations, leading to maximum customer enjoyment.

The Pretzel is an 80 g bread which stands out due to its dark caramelised crust. It is thin and little crisp, with two cuts that make it very attractive and different. The Bagel, very popular in the US and Canada, has a soft smooth crumb and a taste which is slightly more caramelised that other breads, so it is ideal for making sandwiches which are both sweet or savoury, cold or hot. It is also available in a version with sesame seeds on the crust; the Seeded Bagel. Finally, the Pitta Bread, a classic in the eastern Mediterranean, which has become very popular in the last decade as a piece to fill and serve, to be taken away from fast food outlets. It is flat and round, and is served cut and opened, to be filled with a variety of tasty ingredients.

In the traditional bakery line, Berlys has also introduced the Libreta Candeal, a classic loaf from the Castilian plateau, made using soft wheat flour. It features a dense, compact crumb, with little moisture, and a thin crust.


Berlys customers can now obtain the new products through their sales channels, the web page, or the company's mobile application.

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Berlys presents new products for spring in cakes and pastries

The Cortaditos, irresistible mouthfuls made from flaky pastry, will surprise everyone with their delicious combined fillings. The  Custard cream, raisin and orange version has a filling which combines a smooth custard cream with sweet raisins and refreshing orange chunks, which give it a delicious fruity flavour. The Apple Cortadito is filled with tart apple cream, and reminds us of the traditional apple pastries and, finally, the Custard cream and chocolate drops is filled with smooth custard cream and little chocolate chips, which will delight even the sweetest tooth.

They stand out for both their succulence and their soft texture, which melts on the tongue, and their particularly crisp crust, thanks to the baking of the caramelised sugar.

They can be served decorated with fun toppings and various attractive glazes (chips, sugar balls, candied fruit, etc.) which will surprise everyone. The three new varieties come in a medium format, which is ideal for those who prefer cakes which are easy to eat at any time of the day.

In cakes, Berlys is looking to innovate with a classic like the Sacher Cake by serving it in a pre-cut format. It is made using two layers of succulent chocolate sponge, filled with two delicious combinations which will surprise at the first bite; an exquisite apricot jam enriched with chunks of fruit, which provides a slightly tart touch, in contrast to the milk chocolate ganache. The result is a pleasure for the senses, which in addition is covered with a thin layer of black chocolate. 

Its portioned format is the ideal solution for Catering and Restaurant establishments looking for select convenience cake products, as is lends itself to an impeccable, clean, perfect presentation. In addition to being pre-cut, they can be defrosted in portions, making product stock control easier.

Berlys customers can now obtain the new products through their sales channels, the web page, or the company's mobile application. 

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Berlys extends Mini Pizza range

This spring, Berlys is launching three new varieties of Mini Pizza, its option in the range of savoury snacks, with the tastiest most natural ingredients which are also easy to take away. The three Mini Pizzas introduced by Berlys are the Four Cheeses, with a delicious combination of Mozzarella, Blue Cheese, Edam and Emmental; the genuine Barbecue mini pizza, with a base of succulent mozzarella in strings, topped with prime beef and pork and flavoured with barbecue sauce and the classic Bikini, the most traditional, with juicy ham and mozzarella cheese.

The products are created using special flours, with a slow fermentation and subsequent pre-cooking in a stone oven. Once baked at the point of sale, the result is a product with an airy base and crisp crust, which is easy to eat.  In addition, the base of fried tomato and mozzarella in stings, which melts easily, provides extra succulence.

To this we can add the advantage that they are the ideal format for sale in Horeca and hot points, as individual pieces, which facilitates stock control. Through this launch, Berlys is responding to the demand for a category which is on the rise; the On the go product. Its formula of consumption when on the move adapts perfectly to new consumer habits among the population, who demand an instant convenient response.

Berlys customers can now obtain the new products through their sales channels, the web page, or the company's mobile application.

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Since February 2018, Berlys has been part of the Monbake Group, together with Bellsolá and Orio, thus forming one of the largest companies for frozen pastries and Coffee Bakery in Spain. We have 11 production areas distributed throughout national territory, and more that 1700 employees. Monbake is a company committed to quality, nutricion and food security, which it shows through solid support for innovation.

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Berlys increases its range of select pastries with the addition of convenience products

Berlys has just launched three new select pastry products on the market. Through this launch, the company is consolidating its strategy of investment aimed at bun and pastries lines, as an essential part of its growth strategy.

The new Körfest Pre-cut Tarts will appear on the market in two different formats, the Zucchini & Lime Tart and the Toffee Cake, and the two are set to become the indisputable stars of breakfast and snack-time.

The portioned format of the Körfest Tarts provides an ideal solution for Catering and Restaurant establishments looking for select convenience pastry products, as it guarantees a perfectly clean cut and thus impeccable presentation. In addition, the tarts can be defrosted in portions, making product stock control easier. 

The Zucchini & Lime Tart has two succulent layers of sponge enhanced with zucchini, filled and covered with a lime and cheese cream, and finished with a crunchy topping of chopped pistachios. It provides a combination of flavours which surprises from the first bite due to its extra-moist refreshing texture, seasoned with a light acidic touch.

But for the most ardent lovers of sweet things, Berlys presents its Toffee Cake, which also comes in the pre-cut format. It is a delicious creation of two soft caramel sponge layers, filled and decorated with caramel cream, and finished with a topping of real toffee chips, making this delicacy three times as irresistible.


Finally, Berlys is launching the new Körfest Nut and Raisin Plait with Cocoa. This new variety features a delicious crispy cocoa base, providing that extra touch of pleasure, and transforms it into an even more appetising, tasty product. It is made using a light butter pastry, filled with candied yolk, fruit and nuts, in a careful process taking more than 72 hours and including three proving periods. It is also carefully hand-shaped, providing the characteristic plait shape. These qualities make this Plait a unique, irresistible product, which will seduce from the first bite.

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Berlys presents the new Barra Origen

It is made with the best wheats and with a careful process that uses long standing times.

Berlys has launched the new Barra Origen, a bread with a more intense flavor and a juicier crumb, which is kept fresh during more time. This new speciality made with the best flours from the most select wheats can be found in two different sizes: Barra Origen (280 g) and Barra Origen Plus (370 g.).

Thanks to its careful preparation process that lasts more than 10 hours, and the latest technology used by Berlys to reproduce the bread-making processes of the past, three fermentations are achieved resulting in a denser and moister interior with a more intense flavour and a perfect bake that maintains the moisture of the product. The result is a product that stays fresh longer, with a moist interior and a thin, crisp crust that gives it the true flavour of bread.

The Barra Origen is now available to Berlys clients from the hospitality, catering, traditional food and modern food channels and in its Bertiz chain of stores.

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Berlys backs pastries with three innovative launches

The new "Argentine", a buttery temptation created from an authentic Argentine recipe. 

The new Cookies, crunchy on the outside and moist on the inside, which come in three varieties.

The Cream Raqueta, a classic filled with delicious high-quality custard cream.

Madrid, 11 September 2017. The backing of the pastries and confectionery division is an essential part of the growth strategy of Berlys Corporation, the Spanish business group specialising in the manufacture and sale of frozen pastries, which has just launched its most innovative products within these ranges. 
These are the new 'Argentine’ from Berlys, which is destined to become the trendy product for breakfasts and snacks, thanks to its texture, flavour and moist texture, which surprises from the first bite. In order to achieve this characteristic result, the Argentine undergoes a baking process in which the pieces are placed very close together in two rows on the same tray, before being put into the oven. This positioning of the product ensures that the dough grows little, and thus the result is compact and moist, with a golden crust on top and white in the centre.


It is created according to an authentic Argentine recipe, with a dough enriched with sugar, butter, egg and milk, which provides a high degree of moisture
In catering establishments with tasting bars, it can be served accompanied by 'dulce de leche', quince jelly, or custard cream, before baking. 
Another new addition are the new Cookies, aimed at a more adult public that appreciates a carefully created exquisite product, to be enjoyed at any time. 
It is available in three delicious varieties, which all feature  a crunchy texture on the outside and are very moist on the inside, with a carefully home-baked appearance, making them unique on the market. The most innovative variety is the Orange and Raisin Cookie, which also contain oat flakes, chia seeds and quinoa, ingredients which possess properties which are beneficial for the health, and are ideal for those who take care of their diets. While classic varieties, such as the Chocolate Chip Cookie and Bonbon White Chocolate Chip Cookie, will delight the palates of the most demanding.   
They can be served with cold or hot drinks, or used to create delicious ice-cream desserts.

Finally, Berlys is bringing back a pastry-making classic, and presenting the Cream Raqueta, a flaky pastry item typical in the Castile, filled with delicious high-quality custard cream, made with butter. 

An eye-catching product that surprises with its taste. And to make it even more appetising, it can be given a gloss, gelatine or apricot jam (reduced) glaze, once baked, and then a dusting of icing sugar.

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Pannier Bread. Artisan style, flavour for all

Berlys is revolutionising the bread market with its  new product category which fuses the best aspects of white bread and rustic bread.

The result of a search for innovative products in line with the latest trends, Berlys is launching a new product category which fuses the values of craft bread with the advantages of white bread.

The new Pannier Bread is created through a unique process which follows the artisan style, with long proving times, using sourdough and specially selected raw materials, such as very strong wheat flour, in order to obtain a product with greater durability, which only the passion and dedication of Berlys' professionals can create.

The result is bread with a fine crisp crust, a silky, honeycombed crumb and well-marked dimples with the characteristic ear of wheat shape, finished with a  dusting of flour, which provides the product with a unique craft appearance within the market, while it stays fresh longer.

The Pannier Bread is available in two long format varieties,Pan Pannier (280 g) and Pan Pannier Plus (370 g), which are ideal for making the bread display in the establishment more attractive. In addition, it can be sliced in restaurant bread services in restaurants, and is perfect for the creation of delicious sandwiches and canapés with a more artisan appearance.

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Berlys opt for traditional flavours with the launch of the new Rustic Cereal Bread

With the arrival of spring, Berlys Corporation, the Spanish business group specialising in the manufacture and commercialisation of frozen pastries, has included within its bakery range the new Rustic Cereal Bread, a traditional product which will delight the whole family.

Made using 100% natural ingredients and rye sourdough, this bread also contains brown flax, sesame, golden flax, wheat bran and oat flakes, in addition to rye flour and toasted malt extract.  A delicious mix resulting in a product with a spongy texture, rich in fibre, vitamins and minerals.

The creation process, inspired by the company's artisan techniques, including slow baking and long proving times, give it a more intense flavour, and allow the combination of this bread with any ingredient type.
In addition, the Rustic Cereal Bread comes in bags of 29 slices, which not only makes it easy to handle when toasting or making sandwiches, but also allows it to be kept fresh for longer.
The new Berlys speciality is available to customers from 22nd May through our sales channels, the web page, or the company's mobile application.

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Berlys presents new variety of pasties with a spicy touch

This Spring, Berlys Corporation, the Spanish business group specialising in the manufacture and sale of frozen dough for bread, pastries, and confectionery, launched the new Puff Pastry Barbecue Pasties, an ideal appetiser for lovers of spicy sauces.

Made using puff pastry and margarine, and filled with minced meat and delicious barbecue sauce, the new variety of pasty keeps the traditional flavour of home-made products and adds just the right spicy touch to provide more flavour en each bite.

The process on which Berlys has based its creation includes craft techniques, in order to obtain a pastry with greater volume and a crisper texture on the palate.

Furthermore, its easy format makes the Puff Pastry Barbecue Pasty the perfect snack to take anywhere, as it can be served hot or cold, and keeps perfectly in the fridge.

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Berlys brings Italian beauty to its customers with the new Vegetable and 4 Cheeses Pizzas

Berlys launches two new varieties of pizza ideal to take away:

The 4 Cheeses Pizza, with a tomato sauce and mozzarella base, on which there is melted Cheddar, Gouda, Emmental and Blue, and the Vegetable Pizza, which has a tomato base over which there is a mixture of strips of mature cheese and tender vegetables, such as courgette, red onion, mushroom, spinach, or red pepper.

Both products have been created using sourdough and special flours, in order to achieve a flavour which is in no way inferior to the authentic Italian pizza.

The elaboration process, inspired by artisan techniques including slow proving of the dough, and pre-cooking on an authentic pizza stone, provide the pizzas with a crispier, more delicious crust.
The new Berlys pizza varieties are available to customers from 16th May through our sales channels, the web page, or the company's mobile application. 

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Berlys develop their sweet range with a new variety of Muffins

The new Muffin Extra Cocoa Cream and Extra Bonbon, two irresistible mouthfuls of light sponge, filled with cocoa cream and hazelnuts, and with a delicious topping of chopped walnuts. Its ample volume and "mushroom-shaped" tulip make these sweet offerings the most attractive and appetising within the company's portfolio.

To create them, Berlys has used craft baking techniques combined with innovation, in order to create a soft, light sponge which combines perfectly with the creamy fillings accompanying the products.

Both the Muffin Extra Cocoa Cream and Extra Bonbon are available to Berlys' customers from 16th May through our sales channels, the web page, or the company's mobile application. 

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Breads for food service

The small format breads have acquired a special place in the creation of more attractive sandwiches, appetisers and snacks. For that reason, Berlys has a wide range of breads which are ideal for Food Service, made using the best flours and special ingredients, and designed to serve the needs of Horeca and fast food establishments demanding greater variety.

The varieties of white breads, with soft crumb and thin crisp crust, combine perfectly with any type of food, and allow presentations which are both fun and original. You can let your creativity run wild using sweet or savoury fillings, using the Piccolo (50 g), the Mini Kaiser (45 g), the Mini Flauta (45 g) or the Mollete Mini (45 g) wrapped in newspaper (special for food) or arranged in fryer type baskets.

Rustic breads stand out for their intense aroma and flavour of Mediterranean bread. They are the perfect support for natural tomato and olive oil. The Rombo (60 g), the Mini Berriberlys (55 g) or the Mini Tallo (35 g) blend to perfection with ham and strong preserved meats, in addition to smoked products, tuna or mackerel, when accompanied by piquillo peppers or caramelised onion.

For those who take are of their health, the varieties enriched with seeds and cereals are popular, such as the Mini Panecillos (50 g) in their four varieties (Multi-cereal, Mediterranean, Sunflower Seed and Pumpkin Seed), the Mini Berriberlys Ensemillado (55 g) or the Mini Baguette enriched with fibre (40 g). You can prepare a variety of sandwiches and appetisers using fresh, natural fillings, creating a special corner for them, and highlighting the goodness in their ingredients, such as a high fibre content, vitamins and minerals. In that way you will attract loyal customers who seek healthy, nutritional products.

Finally, the varieties created using special ingredients, such as the Gourmet Olives (45 g), Gourmet Pasas y Nueces, Gourmet Cebolla and Gourmet Tomate, provide a delicious contrast in flavour and a highly attractive appearance, which will add an innovative, colourful touch to your display of appetisers. Using simple ingredients you can create surprising nuances of flavour which will provide added value to your product range.

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Es tiempo de “Snacking”

En primavera aumenta considerablemente el consumo de aperitivos y snacks. El buen tiempo y tener más horas de luz hacen que comer al aire libre, fuera de casa o de la oficina, en una terraza, a cualquier hora del día, sea todo un disfrute. En Berlys te ofrecemos una amplia variedad de formatos y rellenos de snacks para completar la oferta de tu establecimiento, que harán las delicias de tus clientes.


Son todo un clásico del snacking. Las Empanadillas resultan muy polivalentes tanto para su venta y servicio en panaderías, pastelerías, como tiendas especializadas y establecimientos de hostelería y restauración. Razón por la cual es importante que ocupen un lugar destacado en la exposición para su venta por impulso. 

Las Empanadillas clásicas elaboradas de masa escaldada, tienen ese acabado tan irresistible como “hechas en casa”. Están rellenas de atún, tomate y atún con cebolla, pesan 112 g y no necesitan descongelar previamente, ¡directas al horno! Las Empanadillas de Hojaldre, rellenas de carne o de atún, tienen un formato mayor (170 g) y están elaboradas con margarina, que le aporta un hojaldrado fino y crujiente con más volumen. Y las Empanadillas Argentinas tienen un sabor y textura inconfundibles, porque están elaboradas siguiendo la auténtica receta, con la masa tipo pan, más blanda, y con rellenos abundantes de Pollo o de carne Criolla. De sencillo acabado, simplemente descongelar y hornear el tiempo requerido y obtendrás un producto delicioso y muy apetecible, ideal para tomar a cualquier hora del día, frío o caliente. 

Pizzas y Cocas

Las cuatro variedades de Pizzas Berlys, de Bacon y Champiñones, Pollo y Queso Cheddar, Barbacoa y Jamón y Queso, están elaboradas con harinas especiales y masa madre. En su proceso destaca una lenta fermentación que consigue una masa más esponjosa, y una precocción en horno de piedra, que hace que la corteza de su base sea crujiente y fácil de comer. Una vez descongeladas, el acabado de las pizzas puede llevarse a cabo en cualquier tipo de horno, incluido el microondas. Se sirven en formato rectangular de 30 x 40 cm para porcionar, característica que las hacen muy convenientes para cualquier tipo de establecimiento de hostelería y especializado. 

Las Cocas son una especialidad mediterránea elaborada con una base de masa de pan a la que se puede añadir diferentes ingredientes, dulces o salados. La Coca de verduras (160 g) tiene una capa de tomate frito a la que se añaden pimientos rojos y verdes asados en tiras y cebolla frita, y puede ser personalizada con el añadido de más ingredientes. La Coca de verduras y atún (175 g), presenta una base como la anterior, pero con un ingrediente más, el atún en aceite. Tras un breve horneado, su presencia, aroma y sabor se vuelven irresistibles.

Bollería salada

Las variedades Berlys de Bollería Salada se presentan en diferentes formatos y tamaños, elaboradas con una suave masa hojaldrada y rellenas de ingredientes naturales y saludables. Las piezas más grandes, como la Napolitana y el Croissant Bikini, de 110 g y 95 g respectivamente, están rellenas de jamón y queso, y se pueden consumir tanto frías como calientes. Son muy fáciles de preparar, se sirven ya fermentadas y con pintado de huevo, sólo descongelar y hornear. Además, admiten multitud de decoraciones: semillas de sésamo y amapola, especias como el orégano, queso rallado, etc. Por otro lado, la variedades más pequeñas, como las Delicias (20 g) y los Petits (30 g), se presentan surtidas o en caja mono sabor, con rellenos variados como Frankfurt, Tortilla, atún con tomate, queso, etc. Se sirven ya decoradas y resultan ideales para su venta al peso. 

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Berlys presents the cream or custard Buñuelos de Viento for Father's Day

One of the most emblematic items from our baking are the Buñuelos de Viento, which cannot be absent from events and celebrations, and which Berlys are launching to celebrate Father's Day.

Their careful creation process, based on fried dough, is one of the secrets of the traditional recipe that Berlys has tried to fully respect, in addition to using top quality ingredients, such as wheat flour, pasteurised egg, milk and butter. Once fried, they are left to cool and then filled in two varieties, custard cream and whipped cream (100% animal origin). The result are soft, creamy Buñuelos, with an irresistible flavour, which will delight both old and young, and are an essential element of your pastries showcase.

Once defrosted, and immediately prior to selling, is when they are decorated with icing sugar. It is also recommended that they are placed on a tray in a visible spot in your establishment, and only sprinkle those pieces in full view, in order to promote impulse sales.

The Buñuelos are served in boxes of 4 trays of 2 kg.

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Nuevo Espelta Nature

De intenso sabor, con el aroma y la textura de los panes tradicionales, está enriquecido con harina de espelta y semillas enteras del cereal, que se aprecian en su masa y corteza. 

El nuevo Espelta Nature está elaborado con el cuidado y la dedicación de nuestros maestros panaderos, manteniendo largos tiempos de reposo para conseguir que su sabor, aroma y frescura aguanten mucho más tiempo que el resto de panes del mercado.
Una nueva variedad de la gama Nature, panes especiales elaborados con masa madre y harinas de trigo especialmente seleccionadas por su calidad y pureza proteínica, que favorecen su elevada hidratación. Su formato de hogaza y su atractivo corte espigado serán un reclamo en los establecimientos tradicionales.

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